1. Scope
1.1. These general terms and conditions apply to both consumers and vendors. The terms that apply to the Customer are stated below. These general terms and conditions constitute an agreement between EK Academi AB and the Customer.
2. Services
2.1. EK Academi AB offers group courses in the Swedish language. Registration for the courses takes place via the website www.ekacademi.com or through the email address contact@ekacademi.com
3. Course content and conditions
3.1. The group courses are conducted either online or are held in an agreed stationary location. The customer is required to have access to a computer which is connected to internet and can communicate via email. The group course takes place in the ZOOM online communication platform. EK Academi AB provides teaching materials in electronic form. The group course commences if at least five (5) people have signed up for it.
3.2. A group course consists of 90 teaching hours where each hour corresponds to 45 minutes. The 90 hours corresponds to one course level. The group course takes places on different scheduled course days. The Customer cannot claim a refund due to absence nor is the Customer entitled to receive credit for unattended scheduled course days. The Customer has the right, in the event of absence, to take part in a recorded course day after approval by all customers who were present at the specific course day. EK Academi AB possesses the sole right to decide which specific course days that can be recorded.
3.3. Courses on levels A1, A2 and B2 are assessed with an internal test which is a requirement to complete the course. The test is included in the price of the course EK Academi AB issues a performance certificate upon completion of each above-mentioned course level. Courses on levels B2 and C1 are not assessed with an internal test. EK Academy may organize such test upon Customer’s request. The total cost of organizing such test is covered by the Customer.
3.4. EK Academi AB cannot guarantee that certificates which are issued by EK Academi AB will be approved by Swedish authorities such as the Swedish Migration Agency and the National Board of Health and Welfare.
3.5. The Customer has the right to start a more advanced course level if the Customer completes a course level. There is a possibility for the Customer to join a less advanced course level if the Customer does not complete a course level. There are many ways for the Customer to continue the course if the Customer does not pass the internal test. The current opportunities are discussed with the responsible tutor. The Customer has the right to use the course hours on a different occasion if they have not been used. EK Academy AB may offer the above-mentioned solutions to the Customer based on observations made by EK Academy AB.
3.6. EK Academi AB reserves the right to cancel a course if many Customers have refrained from attending it. EK Academi AB may then offer the place in a course in another group for the Customer that is remaining on the course. EK Academy AB has the possibility to merge groups with the same or similar level.
3.7. EK Academi AB reserves the right to cancel / rebook a course day before the planned course day. The Customer has the right to receive an extra course day if EK Academi AB cancels a course day.
4. Right of withdrawal
4.1. The Customer has, in accordance with the Act on Distance Contracts and Agreements Outside Business Premises (2005: 59) the possibility to cancel its course registration within fourteen (14) days from the day EK Academi AB has confirmed the registration (also known as the withdrawal period).
4.2. The Customer has the right to cancel participation in a commenced group course, however the Customer will forfeit the right to reimbursement if the withdrawal period of 14 days has been surpassed.
5. Pricing and payment terms
5.1. Current prices of the courses can be found on the official website of EK Academi AB.
5.2. Payment is made through invoice with a due payment of 30 days according to the payment terms. New Customers are required to either make a prepayment or make the payment within 14 days.
5.3. The Customer may pay for the course with installment payment. The payment for the course can be made with up to 3 installments with a predetermined due payment date on each separate installment.
5.4. The Customer that is paying with installments and cancels a commenced group course after the withdrawal period see point. 4. Withdrawal, the Customer is obliged to pay the full amount for the course. The amount paid by the Customer will be deducted from the total course price. Final payment must be made within fourteen (14) days from the day that the Customer has announced its refrain.
6. Objections to the invoice
6.1. Objections to the invoice not made within five (5) days after the invoice date will not be approved.
7. Interest on arrears, payment reminder, debt collection claim
7.1. In the event of late payment, interest on arrears and, where applicable, compensation for reminders and debt collection claims will be charged in accordance with Swedish law.
8. Complaint
8.1. If the Customer is dissatisfied with a group course, then the Customer must report a fault in service to EK Academi AB in accordance with the Consumer Services Act (1985: 716).
9. Privacy Policy
9.1. At EK Academi AB, we protect the Customer’s personal privacy and strive to always protect the Customer’s personal data in the best possible way. EK Academi AB processes all personal data in accordance with the EU Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR). If the Customer wants to know more about how the personal data is handled, then the Customer is welcome to contact us.
10. Dispute
10.1. All disputes between EK Academi AB and the customer are examined by a Swedish general court with the application of Swedish law.